Resources and Opportunities
Discover resources and opportunities available to support women in STEM across their careers and promote gender equity.
Do you wish to suggest a resource or opportunity to the database? Suggest here.

Invitation to STEMterview series!
From 13 Oct 2021 to 28 Feb 2022
STEMcognito is a not-for-profit STEM communication video platform hosting expert-made STEM talks and video presentations. STEMcognito is inviting STEM Women to be interviewed and featured in our STEMterview series! Chat about your research with Dr Sarah Wettsdadt in a friendly atmosphere! This is a unique opportunity to increase impact, visibility, chances of getting funding for yourself and your institution! The interview is recorded on Zoom, is not live and everything can be edited, upon request. If you are interested, you can check out previous conversations here: and fill an interview request form here:

PhD scholarships with FLEET
From 19 Jul 2021 to 28 Jun 2024
The ARC Centre of Excellence in Future Low-Energy Electronics Technologies (FLEET) is using novel technologies based on atomically thin materials to reduce the energy used by electronics.
- Learn more about FLEET’s research
- Meet potential supervisors
We always seek talented students with interests in Physics, Materials Science, Chemistry, Nanotechnology, Materials Engineering and other equivalent fields. PhD positions are offered across FLEET’s seven nodes in Melbourne, Sydney, Canberra and Brisbane, find more information on the PhD projects offered at each FLEET node here.
We offer:
- Generous PhD stipend and top-up scholarships to high performing students
- Internships and research opportunities with our global partners
- A comprehensive support program for women working with FLEET
Applications for PhD projects are always open. To apply, please fill in the Expression of Interest form.

VIC, Clayton
Opportunities in OPTIMA
From 31 Jul 2021 to 31 Jan 2025
PhD opportunity in OPTIMA
The Australian Research Council (ARC) Training Centre in Optimisation Technologies, Integrated Methodologies, and Applications (OPTIMA) is seeking applications for ten ARC fully-funded PhD projects with generous top-up scholarships.
We're looking for talented students with a background in mathematics, computer science, statistics, economics, engineering or other related fields. These positions are offered across OPTIMA's nodes located at Monash University, Clayton or The University of Melbourne, Parkville. Projects will be available from June 2021 onwards.
PhD projects are 3.5 years, including at least a one-year equivalent industry placement, the timing of which can be negotiated.
An expression of interest must be submitted before prospective PhD students are invited to apply for admission through their selected university. Before applying, please read the OPTIMA node universities' admission requirements, as a PhD will not be offered if you do not meet them. You can visit our LinkedIn page for more information on the projects (
OPTIMA are also seeking Postdoctoral Research Fellows – find out more here.

Industry Mentoring Network in STEM (IMNIS)
IMNIS provides PhD student mentees the opportunity to increase their understanding of the industry sector, strengthen their skills to be successful within any part of the STEM sector, and extend their professional network. Access the IMNIS Alumni Survey here.

Australian Institute of Geoscientists - Mentoring Program
The Program aims to connect undergraduate students, MSc/PhD Candidates and early, mid career and more mature geoscientists with senior geoscience professionals to seek practical advice, direction and feedback on their future careers.

Australian Postgraduate Research Intern (APR.Intern) connects PhD students with industry through short-term internships. These opportunities empower students to thrive in a practical research environment and for businesses to innovate and be future-ready. Our program also links businesses to fresh ideas and provides pathways for universities to expand research collaborations with industry.