Resources and Opportunities
Discover resources and opportunities available to support women in STEM across their careers and promote gender equity.
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VIC, Clayton
Opportunities in OPTIMA
From 31 Jul 2021 to 31 Jan 2025
PhD opportunity in OPTIMA
The Australian Research Council (ARC) Training Centre in Optimisation Technologies, Integrated Methodologies, and Applications (OPTIMA) is seeking applications for ten ARC fully-funded PhD projects with generous top-up scholarships.
We're looking for talented students with a background in mathematics, computer science, statistics, economics, engineering or other related fields. These positions are offered across OPTIMA's nodes located at Monash University, Clayton or The University of Melbourne, Parkville. Projects will be available from June 2021 onwards.
PhD projects are 3.5 years, including at least a one-year equivalent industry placement, the timing of which can be negotiated.
An expression of interest must be submitted before prospective PhD students are invited to apply for admission through their selected university. Before applying, please read the OPTIMA node universities' admission requirements, as a PhD will not be offered if you do not meet them. You can visit our LinkedIn page for more information on the projects (
OPTIMA are also seeking Postdoctoral Research Fellows – find out more here.

How gendered harassment affects women in male-dominated industries
Male-dominated industries such as investment management, automotive trades and airline piloting expose women to daily gender-based harassment. Gender-based harassment is not necessarily sexual in nature, but is targeted based on the gender of the victim. Click below to find out more about gender-based harassment, and what the research shows.

The F Factor
The F Factor is a different kind of community group. Our purpose is to be a holistic support network for the entire duration of our members' technology careers. We want to see more women making it into technology leadership and less women exciting careers in tech mid-career.

Techgirls Competition
The Techgirls Competition is an annual program that changes the way girls perceive and engage in STEM. The program combines problem-solving through a social, business and technical lens, producing high-quality business plans, pitch videos and working app prototypes from girls as young as 7 to 17. Read the full evaluation report here.

The impact of COVID-19 on women in the STEM workforce
A report prepared by the Rapid Research Information Forum to inform the Minister for Industry, Science and Technology, the Hon Karen Andrews MP of the impact COVID-19 will have on women in the STEM workforce.

Indigenous Women in Mining and Resources Australia
IWRA was founded to create a stronger connection with indigenous women in this traditionally male, non-indigenous dominated sector. IWIMRA is focused on creating a national framework that will support indigenous women who are currently participating and aspiring to grow within this sector. To reach our end goal, which is to establish positive role models within our industry, at decision making levels, we must start with positive daily conversations. Our thoughts become our words and our words become our actions. This is our guiding principle

Industry Mentoring Network in STEM (IMNIS)
IMNIS provides PhD student mentees the opportunity to increase their understanding of the industry sector, strengthen their skills to be successful within any part of the STEM sector, and extend their professional network. Access the IMNIS Alumni Survey here.

WGEA - Gender equality strategy guide
The Gender Equality Strategy Guide (Guide) equips you with the skills and resources to start and/or continue the change process towards greater gender equality in your organisation. The change process involves evaluating the current status of gender equality in your organisation, planning your organisation’s future gender equality objectives and actions as well as tracking your organisation’s progress over time.

Girls Invent
Girls Invent is a schools-based inventing and business development program. Through a structured series of focused workshops, our girl inventors create their own original product or service idea and are then shown how to progress it as any entrepreneur would into a real business.

Buisness & Professional Women
BPW Australia is a great way for women to meet, network and socialise with other women who want to see gender equality and work positively towards this aim through projects, research and informative meetings and workshops.