Resources and Opportunities - Conferences and Events
Discover resources and opportunities available to support women in STEM across their careers and promote gender equity.
Do you wish to suggest a resource or opportunity to the database? Suggest here.
Conferences and events
Conferences and events can positively contribute to career progression in STEM and the advancement of scientific discovery. It is essential that these events enable and support the attendance and involvement of a diverse range of participants. STEM Women has built a collection of resources, tools, policies, examples and opportunities to assist you and your conference or event on its gender equity journey.
This collection aligns with strategic recommendation 4.1 of the Women in STEM Decadal Plan. Learn more about the decadal plan.
TEDxSydney Ideas search
Until 10 Jun 2021
TEDxSydney is on the hunt for fresh ideas. If you think you have a cracker of an idea for a TEDx talk, then they want to hear from you.
As we step into the future, we have never taken more comfort in hard science, groundbreaking research and a fact-based approach to our future. In 2021, TEDxSydney is looking to uncover remarkable ideas that will help shape the next 5, 10 and 50 years.
This is an opportunity to be considered for TEDxSydney’s suite of events including our Main Event on 17 September 2021, broadcast from the Sydney Opera House
The team are looking for 2-3 minute talks, on any topic that demonstrates original thinking and that can be conveyed by you alone - and they are especially keen to hear cutting edge research and ideas across STEM, architecture, design, medicine, health and beyond.
Find out more on the website.

PyConline AU call for proposals open
Until 10 Jun 2021
The organisers of PyCon AU are looking for talks on everything Python, open source, and tech-related for their upcoming conference to be held online from 10 - 12 September, 2021. The call for proposals is open until 10 June and you can submit to the main conference and specialist tracks through the same process. They are also interested in ideas for social events!

Rebooting STEMM in Australia
Until 22 Jun 2021
Are you an early- or mid-career researcher in STEMM? The Australian Academy of Science is supporting the Reboot STEMM initiative to co-design a new system of rewards and recognition for research careers.
You can help set the agenda for the program, and join your peers in a live virtual conversation on 22 June. Visit the event website to find out more and register to participate.

UNSW Webinar - 'Inferior', Caroline Ford in conversation with Angela Saini
From 08 Mar 2021 to 08 Mar 2021
UNSW is presenting a free webinar featuring STEMMinist Book Club's Caroline Ford in conversation with Angela Saini, author of 'Inferior'. The webinar will cover gender bias in science and medicine, the public understanding of gender and how to more accurately frame human differences.

Prime Minister's Prizes for Science
Until 09 Mar 2021
The Prime Minister's Prizes for Science award Australian scientists and innovators for their outstanding achievements in science and research-based innovation. We encourage you to nominate groundbreaking and inspiring scientists who are on your radar. Nominations close 9 March.

STEM Women Café - collaboration
From 02 Mar 2021 to 04 Mar 2021
Please join us for the first in our new STEM Women Café conversation series, where we'll be exploring ways for the STEM Women network of members and supporters to connect and collaborate in 2021. We hope that you can join one of the three sessions we have planned.

ACT, Canberra
IUPAC Global Women’s Breakfast “Empowering Diversity in Science”
On 09 Feb 2021
The Royal Australian Chemical Institute (RACI), ACT, is organising a networking event as part of the 2021 Global Women’s Breakfast - GWB2021 lead by the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC). Designed to assist women chemists to expand their network of contacts, both locally and internationally, the theme of this year’s GWB2021 is “Empowering Diversity in Science”.
RACI ACT invites you to participate and hear the inspiring stories of Australian Women in Science at an informal setup to mark this global event. The morning breakfast will take place in a COVID safe environment on Tuesday 9 February 2021, 10:30 am, at the Ann Harding Conference Centre (building 24), University of Canberra.
Registration is free and open to general public.
This is the third year of this global networking event that was first held in February 2019.

Millennial Leadership Program
Until 26 Feb 2020
The Millennial Leadership Program is a 12 month course designed to develop the core skills you need to get ahead as a Millennial Leader. Delivered through a three day bootcamp and fortnightly webinars, participants get to embed leadership habits, refine their communication through leadership coaching, and surround themselves with a supportive mentoring peer group of fellow aspiring leaders.

Franklin Women Impact Report
From 10 Dec 2020 to 10 Dec 2020
Franklin Women is launching their 5-year impact report via a mixed online and in-person event. You are invited to join Franklin Women in celebrating their successes and be inspired by the progress made throughout the journey.

The goal of BiasWatchNeuro is to track the speaker composition of conferences in neuroscience, particularly with respect to gender representation.