Resources and Opportunities - Girls in STEM
Discover resources and opportunities available to support women in STEM across their careers and promote gender equity.
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Girls in STEM
Research shows that children begin to aspire to careers early in primary school and are influenced by teachers and their families. It is therefore important we work together to engage the future generation of women in STEM. To assist, STEM Women has built a collection of existing programs and strategies targeted to inspire and encourage girls in STEM.
This collection aligns with Opportunity 5 Education: strong beginnings, in the Women in STEM Decadal Plan. Learn more about the decadal plan.
Women and Girls in STEM Roadmap
The Victorian Government has released their roadmap for women and girls' journeys into STEM. The roadmap details the pathways and opportunities available to women in STEM, across their whole academic careers and into the professional sector.

International Day of Women and Girls in Science
The 2021 theme for IDWGS is women scientists at the forefront of the fight against COVID-19.

Coding Resources for Women at Every Stage of Their Career
Columbia Engineering has aggregated a fantastic collection of resources for girls and women interested in learning to code.

Berkeley Boot Camps - Coding
Learning to code is easier than you think. Whether you’re a novice who’s just starting out or already have prior experience with industry concepts and tools, our coding resource articles and web design tutorials can help further develop your existing skill set.

Girl Geek Academy forums
The Girl Geek Academy forums are an online space for girls aged 8+ to come and talk about tech. It's really important for girls who love STEM to make friends with like minded Girl Geeks, the forums as a way to encourage that. They're completely free and safe (monitored by the Girl Geek Academy team), and are run every Tuesday and Thursday afternoon from 4-6pm AEST.

Jasper: Take off with STEM
As part of its strategy to engage more girls and women in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM)-based subjects and career paths, the RAAF has launched a new initiative based around a character named Jasper.

Canberra Girls' Programming Network
The Canberra Girls’ Programming Network runs free, hands-on programming workshops for girls in grades 4–12. Girls are introduced to a range of topics such as cryptography and games and code their own programs using the Python programming language. No coding experience is necessary! Events are run several times a year by volunteer local women studying or working in IT in industry, academia and government.

Women in STEM and Entrepreneurship (WISE) Program
In 2019 Monash University ran this free program to support and nurture an entrepreneurial mindset in the next generation of women. Monash University invited schools to nominate a team of four year 10 female students. Read about the impact of the program here.

Techgirls Competition
The Techgirls Competition is an annual program that changes the way girls perceive and engage in STEM. The program combines problem-solving through a social, business and technical lens, producing high-quality business plans, pitch videos and working app prototypes from girls as young as 7 to 17. Read the full evaluation report here.

Skype a Scientist
Skype a Scientist is a database which connects scientists to schools, community groups and families so that they can share their expertise and answer questions via teleconference software.