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Megan Saunders
Senior Research Scientist CSIRO Oceans and Atmosphere , Honorary Senior Fellow The University of Queensland
Brisbane, QLD
Marie-Lise Schläppy
Principal marine ecologist Aurora Offshore Engineering , Public speaker Emerge victorious
Perth, WA
Rachel Przeslawski
Director, Discovery and Engagement Geoscience Australia , President Australian Marine Sciences Association , Senior Marine Ecologist Geoscience Australia
Canberra, ACT
Leanne Armand
Program Scientist Aust. & NZ International Ocean Discovery Program (ANZIC) , Professor Australian National University
Acton, ACT
Felicity Osborne
PhD Candidate University of the Sunshine Coast , Program Officer Department of Agriculture and Fisheries
Sippy Downs, QLD
Catheline Froehlich
PhD Candidate University of Wollongong , Councillor Australian Coral Reef Society
Wollongong, NSW
Karen Evans
Principal Research Scientist CSIRO Oceans and Atmosphere , Co-chair Global Ocean Observing System Expert Panel on Biology and Ecosystems , Member of the Group of Experts United Nations World Ocean Assessment
Hobart, TAS