Helene Marsh
Emeritus Professor, Environmental Science
James Cook University
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I am an authority on the ecology and conservation biology of dugongs and internationally recognised for my extensive research on their biology. My group's research on dugongs, marine turtles and coastal dolphins has been instrumental in advancing the scientific understanding and management of coastal marine mammals in the Australian tropics and 14 other countries. My research integrates studies of the ecology of species of conservation concern with a broader evaluation of the linkages between threatened species and the welfare of human societies, particularly remote Indigenous Australian communities. My groups research has informed major changes in management by both the Commonwealth and Queensland Governments to protect dugongs. I chair the Threatened Species Scientific Committee, a statutory position that makes me the most senior scientist making recommendations to the Australian Minister of Environment under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act. I have a strong record of mentoring more than 100 early career researchers and have made contributions to research training at international, national and local levels. I was the Deputy Co-chair of the influential ACOLA Review of Research Training in Australia that reported to the Commonwealth government in 2016. I am currently completing a review of postgraduate marine science training in Australia for the National Marine Science Committee