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Nikki-Anne Wilson
Postdoctoral Research Fellow NeuRA: Neuroscience Research Australia , Conjoint Postdoctoral Research Fellow Neuroscience Research Australia
Sydney, NSW
Kim Hemsley
Head, Childhood Dementia Research Group Flinders Health and Medical Research Institute, Flinders University
Adelaide, SA
Anita MY Goh
Research Fellow National Ageing Research Institute , Research Fellow and Huntington's disease lab head at Academic Unit for Psychiatry of Old Age The University of Melbourne , Clinical Neuropsychologist Melbourne Health
Melbourne, VIC
Muireann Irish
Associate Professor The University of Sydney , ARC Future Fellow Brain and Mind Centre, University of Sydney
Camperdown, NSW
Lisa Kalisch Ellett
Enterprise Fellow, Associate Professor in Pharmacy and Pharmacoepidemiology University of South Australia
Adelaide, SA
Lila Landowski
Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Neuroscience and Brain Plasticity University of Tasmania
Hobart, TAS
Janet Sluggett
Senior Research Fellow University of South Australia , Non-executive director MedicAlert Foundation Australia , Professional Services Pharmacist CPIE Pharmacy Services
Adelaide, SA
Kate Hoy
Professor Monash University , Deputy Director and Head of Interventional Neuropsychology, ECIMH Monash University and Epworth HealthCare
Melbourne, VIC
Natasha Krishnadas
Post-doctoral researcher Florey Institute of Neurosciences & Mental Health , Neurologist/ Medical Research Fellow Austin Health
Melbourne, VIC
Emma Burrows
Research Fellow Florey Institute of Neuroscience and Mental Health , Board director Women in STEMM Australia , Executive committee member Women in Science Parkville Precinct
Melbourne, VIC