Resources and Opportunities
Discover resources and opportunities available to support women in STEM across their careers and promote gender equity.
Do you wish to suggest a resource or opportunity to the database? Suggest here.
ASTRO 3D Guide for Inclusive Meetings
The ASTRO 3D EDI Committee compiled a best-practice Guide for Inclusive Meetings. It includes suggestions for organisers of ASTRO 3D (and other) events that will help make the event equitable for gender and other forms of diversity, accessible for those with a disability, and inclusionary for all. It includes suggestions before the event (planning), during the event and after the event.
Women in STEM and Entrepreneurship (WISE) Program
In 2019 Monash University ran this free program to support and nurture an entrepreneurial mindset in the next generation of women. Monash University invited schools to nominate a team of four year 10 female students. Read about the impact of the program here.
Space4Women Network
The Space4Women Network is a mentoring platform that promotes gender equality and gender empowerment in the space sector. The network is open to everyone with interest in space and willingness to support women and girls in space education and careers.
Have your say: Work and Care in the Time of COVID-19
The University of Melbourne is currently collecting responses for their 'Work & Care in the Time of COVID-19' survey.
Do you live in Tasmania and want to contribute expertise to the ABC?
ABC News has released a call for more expert women from Tasmania to join their growing database of expert sources. If you are based in Tasmania and would like to assist the ABC in adding diversity to its talent pool, please take a look.
Accessible online meetings guide
Video conferencing has become ubiquitous lately, but these meetings are not always fully accessible to everyone who would like to participate. The Disability Advocacy Resource Unit (DARU) is offering a free online guide to optimising accessibility for virtual meetings.
Breaking down barriers for women in chemistry
A new article from researchers at CSIRO is inspiring women in Australian chemistry to be a #catalystforchangeinchemistry. Women in chemistry face challenges related to workplace culture, work-life balance, measures of merit and mentorship. This article suggests personal and organisation-level strategies to overcome these challenges.
Echo Chamber Escape
Echo Chamber Escape, founded by Mylan Vu, is a website that publishes interviews from diverse perspectives giving a voice to those outside the media’s traditional ‘majority’ demographics.
The F Factor
The F Factor is a different kind of community group. Our purpose is to be a holistic support network for the entire duration of our members' technology careers. We want to see more women making it into technology leadership and less women exciting careers in tech mid-career.
The value of mentoring
Trainees in science often express the need for ‘a mentor’. What does this mean and what should mentees and mentors expect? Written by IMNIS Executive Director, Dr Marguerite Evans-Galea.