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Ruby Lin
Deputy Director, Phage Australia/ Adjunct Professor Westmead Institute for Medical Research , Executive Australasian Genomic Technologies Association , Vice President Australasian Genomic Technologies Association , Genomics Chair Westmead Institute for Medical Research
Sydney, NSW
Senani Rathnayake
ECR University of Technology Sydney , Casual academic University of Technology Sydney , Research student Woolcock Institute of medical research , Casual academic University of Sydney
Sydney, NSW
Colleen MacMillan
Senior Research Scientist CSIRO Agriculture and Food , Business Unit Executive Lead for Inclusion and Diversity CSIRO Agriculture and Food , CSIRO SAGE Self Assessment Team Member CSIRO
Canberra, ACT
Kaitlin Day
PhD Candidate Monash University , Teaching Associate Melbourne University , Teaching Associate Monash University
Melbourne, VIC
Eske Derks
Group leader in Translational Neurogenomics QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute
Brisbane, QLD
Katherine Pillman
Head of Gene Regulation Bioinformatics Group Centre for Cancer Biology , Florey Fellow Royal Adelaide Hospital
Adelaide, SA
Anya Jones
Post Doctoral Researcher Telethon Kids Institute, The University of Western Australia
Perth, WA