

The Indigenous Media Mentoring Program

Until 21 Dec 2020

AusSMC is collaborating with NITV to run the second year of their Indigenous Media Mentoring Program. Applications are now open, and Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander STEM researchers are encouraged to register their interest.



Grants for research projects utilising citizen science

Until 17 Dec 2020

Grants from $150,000 to $500,000 are now available for research projects using citizen science. Click through below for more information about eligibility and to submit your application.



Order of Australia award nominations now open

Until 01 Jan 2021

Nominations are open for the Order of Australia – this year the office of the Governor General has reached out to us to help to encourage your nominations: “it is up to all of us to ensure our national awards system represents our diversity - across gender, cultural backgrounds and categories of endeavour.”



2021 ATSE Awards nominations now open

Until 18 Jan 2021

The annual ATSE Awards celebrate Australians who change the world with their extraordinary contributions to science and technology. Nominations for the 2021 award round are now open. This year ATSE is particularly encouraging nominees who are from groups traditionally underrepresented in STEM, including women and those with Indigenous heritage.



Digital grants are now open for application through the Regional Collaborations Programme COVID-19

Until 14 Dec 2020

Grants of up to $10,000 AUD are now available for early- and mid-career researchers to run a project that will strengthen the engagement and digital collaboration between Australian and Asia-Pacific economies in response to COVID-19. For more details and eligible fields of research, click through below.



#FromtheLAB is seeking science to feature in videos

Until 31 Mar 2021

Australian Science Communicators is looking for early- and mid-career researchers, innovators and scientists who want to share their research. #FromtheLAB will produce and share a short video for each chosen participant.



Avid Research – Australian STEM Stories Podcast, Seeking Interviewees


Amelia Travers of Avid Research is looking for women in STEM to feature on her podcast, telling their own unique story about their STEM career. If you would like to find out more about being interviewed for the podcast, email Amelia via the link below.



NCI women in HPC catch-ups


NCI Australia holds a fortnightly Zoom catch-up on Wednesday afternoons for women in high performance computing to meet, support and uplift one another. Click through to register for upcoming catch-ups



CATALYSE Mentorship Program for Women Scientists


The program aims to champion the advancement of women in STEM and in particular women scientists working in Aboriginal and Tropical Health. 

The mentee will be connected with mentors and strategic counsellors who may be able to provide support through targeted personal and professional development opportunities, provide leadership advice and guidance, and connect them with potential external networks who may be able to benefit the mentee and the progression of her career. 



Canberra Girls' Programming Network


The Canberra Girls’ Programming Network runs free, hands-on programming workshops for girls in grades 4–12. Girls are introduced to a range of topics such as cryptography and games and code their own programs using the Python programming language. No coding experience is necessary! Events are run several times a year by volunteer local women studying or working in IT in industry, academia and government.