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Karita Negandhi
Project Officer Healthy Floodpains, Department of Planning Infrastructure and Environment
Parramatta, NSW
Megan Saunders
Senior Research Scientist CSIRO Oceans and Atmosphere , Honorary Senior Fellow The University of Queensland
Brisbane, QLD
Toni Cannard
Senior Experimental Scientist / Coastal Ecologist CSIRO Oceans & Atmosphere
Brisbane, QLD
Narissa Bax
Marine Biologist Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies, University of Tasmania , Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery, Tasmania Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
Battery Point, TAS
Elodie Camprasse
Research fellow Deakin University , Science communicator Blue Carbon Lab
Burwood, VIC
Naima Iram
Full time PhD scholar Griffith University , Lecturer Zoology Government Degree College Miani, Higher education department, Punjab
Brisbane, QLD
Alice Jones
Industry Research Fellow The University of Adelaide and SA Department for Environment and Water
Adelaide, SA