Resources and Opportunities
Discover resources and opportunities available to support women in STEM across their careers and promote gender equity.
Do you wish to suggest a resource or opportunity to the database? Suggest here.

ACT Young Women in Engineering (YoWIE)
From 13 Jan 2021 to 15 Jan 2021
Three-day workshop for girls in year 8 - 9 to come to UNSW Canberra and experience engineering first hand.

National Committee for Women in Engineering
Engineers Australia's vision of the National Committee for Women in Engineering is for engineering to become an inclusive profession which values, supports and celebrates the contributions of women and men towards making engineering diverse and inclusive profession.

Queers in Science
QueersInScience is an initiative aiming to build community and improve support for LGBTQIA+ people working in STEMM in Australia.

Clean Energy Council - speakers guide
The Clean Energy Council has compiled the industry's first Speakers Guide to promote gender diverse panels. The guide is designed to showcase the breadth, expertise and knowledge offered by women in the sector to event organisers.

From 01 Dec 2020 to 04 Dec 2020
Each year AINSE co-ordinates a school for first-year female students with an emphasis on Women in STEM and their career opportunities within nuclear science and engineering. Read about the impact of the program here.

SA, Adelaide
STEM Enrichment Academy
From 15 Jun 2020 to 17 Jun 2020
Flinders University with support from the Department of Industry, Innovation and Science is offering an exciting new enrichment program for Year 9 girls only. The program involves hands-on activities and opportunities to engage with women working in a range of STEM professions.

Wonder of Science
Wonder of Science is promoting a STEM culture in Queensland schools – where students understand the importance of STEM and believe that STEM education and careers are accessible to them. Read about the impact of the program here.

WOMEESA network
WOMEESA is a 100% volunteer run association aiming to create a unified Australasian network of women working in Earth and Environmental Sciences across academia, industry and government.

Academy fo Enterprising Girls
The Academy for Enterprising Girls offers an exciting and fun course for girls aged 10 to 18 years to learn about entrepreneurship, design thinking, and how to start up your own business.

NSW, Newcastle
HunterWISE program
The HunterWiSE program features two key interlinked actions aimed at increasing the number of girls and women participating in STEM. The first is a targeted school intervention, and the second is a series of networking events for female STEM professionals across the Hunter.