Zoe Richards
Senior Research Fellow
Curtin University
Research Associate
Western Australian Museum
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I am a coral taxonomist whose research revolves around coral biodiversity and how best to monitor and protect it. Working in the areas of systematics, phylogenetics, population genetics, ecology and conservation biology; my research is multidisciplinary and has informed policy and conservation decisions at international, national and local levels. I have a large international network of collaborators and enduring partnerships with scientists at Federal and State research institutions. Currently, I lead the CORE: Coral Conservation and Research Group within the Trace and Environmental DNA Laboratory at Curtin University and our active areas of research include: (a) integrated phylogenomics and phylogeography; (b) ecological connectivity and genetic diversity; (c) coral resilience and recovery after disturbance events; (d) optimal monitoring of biodiversity including the development and application of eDNA technology; and (e) understanding the causes and consequences of disease outbreaks in corals and the role of RNA viruses. I am a member of the IUCN Coral Specialist Group and was a part of the team who conducted the first global marine species assessment of the threatened status of scleractinian corals.