Verity Normington
Superstar of STEM
Science and Technology Australia
Executive Officer
Geoscience Australia
Governing Councillor (Executive)
Geological Society of Australia
Contact me for
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- Sitting on boards or committees
- Providing an expert opinion
- Outreach activities
- Conference presenting
- Opportunities to collaborate
I'm the Executive Officer to Geoscience Australia's Office of the Chief Scientist, where I support Geoscience Australia to align its science to its decadal strategy Strategy 2028 and the supporting Science Strategy 2028. Prior to this role I worked as an Indigenous and Remote Community Engagement officer for Geoscience Australia.
As 2020-2021 Science Policy Fellow, I worked in Indigenous policy in Australia's Attorney-General's Department concentrating on Indigenous justice and Closing the Gap. The fellowship aims to bring scientific expertise into the policy process by giving early and mid-career STEM professionals a pathway into public policy.
Prior to the fellowship, I was a NT Government geologist with experience in sedimentology, geochemistry, geochronology, landscape evolution including glacial environments, geological mapping of sediments and regolith, stratigraphy, mineral and petroleum exploration, biogeochemistry, and stratigraphic characterisation. I am an expert on the sedimentary rocks of central Australia and the basins they were deposited.
I'm a Superstar of STEM who is passionate about supporting early career geoscientists and increasing STEM and diversity awareness within the science community and to the general public; an active member of the Geological Society of Australia at both the national and divisional level, Australian Geoscience Council's Ambassador for Early Career Geoscientists. I whole-heartedly believe in “you can’t be what you can’t see” and believe that the work I do can help to solve the issue of reduced STEM participate especially by girls and young women.
Why engage with me?
The combination of my geological expertise and my experience from the Superstars of STEM program means I can communicate geology to all levels of understanding, from primary school level and beyond, in both basic and highly technical terms. As a geologist, my job is to find out how the rocks got there, where the rocks came from and what the rocks have been through. It is also my job to spark an interest in the world around us by creating a sense of wonder that an understanding how the world developed can evoke. As someone that works in policy development and implementation, I can express how Science is important across many sectors. I can also share the many different career paths that are possible with STEM qualifications.
I have a passion in helping people understand the importance of science to the community and advocating for young people to pursue a career in STEM. I like to mix my science stories with personal experiences that may be relatable to the audience such as my experiences working with Chron’s Disease, a chronic illness, and how I went on to university and completed a PhD after failing year 12 due to illness and the obstacles faced along the way.
My journey overcoming adversity is something people from all walks of life can relate to and makes me a relatable STEM ambassador. I am also somewhat of a nerd, spending my weekends playing Minecraft or reading sci-fi/fantasy fiction books. I am also not your stereotypical scientist I drive a mustang, have tattoos and a mohawk. I am bound to smash any stereotypes you and your audience may have about what geologists and scientists look like.
Verity identifies as having a disability.