R&D Engineer
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- Opportunities to collaborate
A passionate bioengineer with 8+ years of multidisciplinary experiences in academia, industry and startups. Have worked on various projects such as: biomaterial characterisation, tissue engineering, additive manufacturing for surgical implants, medical device design and development.
🎥 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FjJRe0EeCGQ
📁 https://scholar.google.com.au/citations?user=05ZXRloAAAAJ&hl=en
Have developed problem solving, planning and management skills by collaborating in multiple research projects, taking volunteering roles, organising events and working on art-business projects.
By participating at pitch competitions and presenting at conferences, demonstrated my presentation and communication skills.
🎤 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zNvCfxZ-Qi8&t=1s
🎙 https://freshscience.org.au/state/qld/3d-printed-bone-implants-could-eliminate-need-for-amputations
My multicultural and multilingual experience studying and working in different countries has enabled me to collaborate in a range of settings.
Tara identifies as culturally and linguistically diverse.