Shurong Lu
Research & Projects coordinator
Mental Health First Aid Australia
PhD candidate
The Nossal Institute of Global Health
Specialist in chronic disease control and prevention
Jiangsu Centre for Disease Control and Prevention
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- Opportunities to collaborate
Dr. Shurong Lu is a PhD candidate nearing completion within the Melbourne School of Population and Global Health, University of Melbourne and the Research & Projects Coordinator at Mental Health First Aid Australia. Before moving to Australia for PhD training, Dr. Lu practiced as a registered Public Health Physician and Specialist in Disease Control and Prevention in China, with over a decade of experience in research. Dr. Lu has authored around 80 journal articles, led the publication of 3 reports for government, 1 book chapter and 1 media article. She has been awarded 8 times for excellence by peak bodies of Australia and China, including the Melbourne University and the Chinese Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (the foremost research institution in disease control and prevention in China). Dr. Lu visited the Victoria Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) as the “Ambassador of Victoria-Jiangsu Friendship” during 2015-16 and, since then, she has been tirelessly engaging in promoting mutual communication and collaboration among professionals of Australia and China.
Shurong identifies as culturally and linguistically diverse.