Shahrzad Roohy Gohar
Lecturer (fulltime)
The University of Queensland Business school
PhD Candidate
UQ Business school
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Shahrzad is working at UQ Business School, as a fultime Lecturer in Business Information Systems(BIS) Discipline and is finalizing her PhD studies in BIS as well. Shahrzad holds a Masters degree in Information Technology and a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science, Software Technology.
Shahrzad's research expertise include Environmental Sustainability and Information Systems, Business Process Management (BPM), and Cognitive Effectiveness of Visual Notations. Shahrzad's research interest includes measuring and communicating the Environmental Performance Indicators (EPI) of business processes, and designing intelligent Information Systems for managing the environmental impact of organisations. From methodological viewpoint, Shahrzad uses Design Science (DS) approaches, case studies, experiment, and interviews.
Shahrzad's lecturing expertise include Information System (IS) fundamental courses, Business Process Management (BPM) and improvement for both undergraduate and postgraduate programs, and has experience in teaching IS analysis and design. Shahrzad develops teaching materials that blends insights from her research in BPM and her professional background. Her curriculumn is meticulously crafted to integrate learnings from her academic studies and industry projects.
Shahrzad is currently serving as an Executive Officer (Funding Chair) for Association of Information Systems Women's Network (AISWN) and have received a leadership award from Association of Information Systems (AIS).Shahrzad is a registered and frequent peer reviewer of multiple conferences and journals including Australasian Journal of Information Systems (AJIS), Communications of the Association for Information Systems (CAIS), and also a reviewer for multiple IS conferences. She has served as student representative of UQ's Service Innovation Alliance and has served in several academic recruitment selection panels.