Rafiatu Azumah
PhD Candidate
The University of Adelaide
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I am Rafiatu Azumah, currently a Post-Doctoral researcher at the University of Adelaide. Having a Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Biochemistry and a Masters in Medical Microbiology both from Africa and a Ph.D. in Adelaide has exposed me to different cultures and values in all aspects of life, especially in research. I have almost no exposure to the industry as I have been more focused on research and achieving a PhD. I am very happy and keen to be part of STEM WOMEN.
My Ph.D project focuses on the genetic and fetal origins of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS); a complex syndrome that presents endocrine, metabolic, and reproductive symptoms, affecting about 10% of women of reproductive age. However, the pathogenesis of PCOS is poorly understood hence diagnosis is usually delayed due to the numerous associated symptoms and treatment is mainly based on management of presenting symptoms. Studies involving animals and women with the syndrome as well as their offspring have, however, shown similar patterns that infer the possible fetal origin of PCOS. Thus, children born to women with PCOS have an increased risk of the syndrome compared to those not exposed. Interestingly, candidate genes associated with PCOS have been identified in human and bovine fetal ovaries, further confirming the genetic and fetal origins of the syndrome. My project seeks to define the upstream regulators and mechanisms associated with PCOS candidate genes using the bovine fetal ovaries; possibly towards diagnosing, treating, and preventing the disorder.