Lilian Garratt-Smithson
Postdoctoral Research Associate
ICRAR, The University of Western Australia
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I am an ASTRO 3D Research Associate based at The International Centre for Radio Astronomy Research (ICRAR) in Perth, working primarily with Associate Professor Chris Power. My research uses computer simulations to investigate the life cycle of galaxies. In particular, I use smoothed particle hydrodynamical simulations to model large volumes of the universe - exploring how galaxies are born and evolve within their cosmic environment. For more information on the type of simulations I run, see the video below.
I am particularly fascinated by the birth and death of stars and how these processes can change the fate of an entire galaxy. I am also interested in the coldest gas in galaxies - since it is this gas that can collapse to form stars.
My work connects with the state-of-the-art radio telescope ASKAP (Australian Square Kilometre Array Pathfinder) and will also connect to the SKA in the coming years.