Jessica Guy
PhD candidate
Swinburne University of Technology
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I am a second year PhD candidate passionate about researching and understanding the uses and impacts of digital devices and screens on children's lives. Including their effects on young children's language development and social interactions and potential for assisting in learning.
In my PhD to date I have completed a systematic review, examining learning and physical health outcomes of digital technology use in educational settings. This review included studies of children of all ages. I have also completed an evaluation of a set of language learning apps aimed at preschool aged children 3.5-5 years.
I am currently running two studies. One employs parent-child (2.5 - 7 years) dyads and is examining the effects of digital play on language quantity and quality, and joint attention behaviours. The second is a children's media use study which is utilising a number of different measures including ecological momentary assessment/experience sampling in order to attempt to collect accurate data about Australian children aged 0-8 and their digital media use.
I have presented on three of my PhD projects at two international conferences (the International Society for the Study of Behavioural Development and the Society for the Research of Child Development) and one local conference (Australian Journal of Educational Research) over the course of candidature to date.