Fionnuala Sheehan
Igneous petrologist
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I am an igneous petrologist with specific expertise in mineralogy, melt inclusion studies and experimental petrology of basaltic island arc magma. I have investigated the behaviour of carbon dioxide and water at Ambrym, a heavily-degassing island arc volcano, via experimental and petrological study of syn-eruptive degassing and crystallisation in basalt and trachyandesite magmas, including degassing processes recorded by melt inclusions. This work has increased our understanding of magma storage and recharge processes, as well as conditions of ascent, which are essential to the larger objective of prediction of eruptive activity. I have also carried out fieldwork at Montserrat, Lesser Antilles, and investigated the emplacement of a multi-stage granite body in the Eastern Mourne complex, Northern Ireland, including magmatic fluid activity. I have experience in the use of high-pressure experimental apparatus (internally-heated, and cold-seal, pressure vessels) to investigate volatile solubilities in trachybasaltic and trachyandesitic magmas, adding to a sparse body of volatile solubility data for trachybasaltic compositions. I received training and experience in high-pressure experimental geoscience research at the Institut des Sciences de la Terre, Orlans (ISTO), and at the University of East Anglia.