Claudia Vickers
Research Director
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Professor Vickers is Director of the Synthetic Biology Future Science Platform at CSIRO (Australia's national science agency). She completed her PhD in cereal crop engineering at The University of Queensland and CSIRO in 2004. Her early research interests spanned crop engineering, abiotic stress, and plant volatile isoprenoids. Over the last decade, she has focussed on metabolic regulation of isoprenoids in plants and microbes, and on developing synthetic biology tools for metabolic engineering. She was founding President of Synthetic Biology Australia and is on the Executive of the International Society for Terpenoids (TERPNET). She is a Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) Fellow and she co-chairs the World Economic Forum Synthetic Biology Future Council. She serves on editorial boards for eight international journals and has Adjunct Professor roles at Queensland University of Technology and Griffith University.