Céline Valéry
Senior Lecturer
RMIT University
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Currently leader of the peptide nanotechnology laboratory and senior lecturer in pharmaceutical sciences at RMIT University (Melbourne, Australia), I started my career as a researcher in drug delivery for the pharmaceutical industry (Ipsen, Spain). I returned to academia for the love of basic science and education, first as a postdoctoral researcher and casual lecturer at the University of Canterbury in New Zealand (Biomolecular Interaction Centre, 2010-2013) to a tenured track academic position at RMIT since 2014. My initial background is in chemical engineering (MSc, Ecole Centrale de Marseille, France), physical chemistry (MSc, France) and pharmacy (PhD, Institut Galien, University Paris XI, France).
As key achievements, I contributed to the European and FDA approval of the first ever marketed hydrogel formulation based on therapeutic peptide nanostructures (Somatuline Autogel); I am co-inventor of 3 patents and co-author of several peer-reviewed articles, including in high impact factor journals (Nature Materials, Nature Communications, JACS, Nanoscale and others). I am also proud of the diverse and high-achieving research team I created at RMIT University, which we refer to as “The united nations of peptide nanotechnology”.
My research interests are focused on peptide self-assembly and nanotechnology, with current projects spanning from novel peptide antibiotics to bio-inspired materials for biomedical applications. My main technical expertise is in biophysics, drug delivery and peptide engineering. I am highly collaborative and conduct research at the interface of biology, physics and chemistry.
For descriptions of my research projects and references of my scientific articles, please see my google scholar and research gate profiles.
As an educator, I teach and coordinate various university courses - from physicochemical principles to pharmacokinetics. I also collaborated with TED (US media) as lesson and script writer for animated lessons in pharmacology that are freely available online (see featured activities for links).
Céline identifies as culturally and linguistically diverse.