Bec Gorton
Software Engineer
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Bec is a Senior Software Engineer and the Team Leader of the Marine Informatics team within the Marine Systems Modelling and Informatics Groups in the Marine Resources and Industries Program in Oceans and Atmosphere, CSIRO
She is passionate about increasing awareness of how appropriate use of technologies such as high performance computing, machine learning and big data analysis and management can results in regime shifts in the scope of possible science.
She is the Project Leader of the FRDC project 'Next generation decision support tools to support sustainable aquaculture in Storm Bay', an exciting project that aims to deliver the systems and knowledge for ongoing science based resource management of the Salmon Industry in Storm Bay, Tasmania.
Bec graduated from The University of Sydney with a Bachelor of Science (Computer Science) and a Bachelor of Engineering (Telecommunications) (Honours). She had over 6 years experience in software development including cutting edge R&D in global companies such as Cannon Research Australia before joining CSIRO in 2006.
She was a Project Leader in the Tasmanian ICT Centre (now part of Data61) in the Preventative Health flagship before moving to the Ecosystem Modelling Group in CSIRO Marine and Atmospheric Research.