Amalie Dyda
Lecturer/Research Fellow
Australian Institute of Health Innovation, Macquarie University
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Amalie is passionate about helping to improve the health of marginalised populations and using new technologies to improve public health practice. She currently works as a Research Fellow in the Centre for Health Informatics in the Australian Institute of Health Innovation at Macquarie University (MQ) and teaches in to the MQ Master of Public Health. She completed a Master of Applied Epidemiology at ANU in 2010, and a PhD investigating vaccine preventable diseases in adults at UNSW in 2017. She has previously worked in numerous health departments throughout Australia and has experience in infectious diseases, outbreak investigation, analysis of large datasets and data linkage. She is currently working on projects investigating the use of social media data to track public perception and attitudes regarding vaccination. Additionally, Amalie does a lot of work to improve gender equity in health and medical research, including working as part of the peer advisory committee for Franklin Women. She is also the director and host of the podcast 'Stories in Public Health', which shares the stories of leaders to encourage and inspire those new and interested in the field of public health.