Impact and evaluation

STEM Women is not the only database attempting to elevate the visibility of women in STEM, but it does aim to be the first to meaningfully measure the impacts of such databases.

We are working alongside the Centre for Public Awareness of Science at the Australian National University to formally measure the use of STEM Women by both experts and seekers, and the effects of this use over time.

We have established mechanisms within the site to collect de-identified information about how people use the STEM Women database. This includes identifying popular search terms, the number of profiles on the site and how often a seeker finds and contacts a relevant expert. Users of the site are also asked a few optional questions to provide insight into their motivations for using the site.

Across the next 12 months, we will distribute surveys to both experts and seekers to learn about the opportunities STEM Women has provided and the impact this has created.Participating in these surveys is entirely voluntary.

If you have any questions about the STEM Women evaluation process, please contact us.


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